From Data Overload to Strategic Moves: Meet Revelator Pro Consumption

As a distributor or label, your role goes beyond releasing music. You’re the architect of success for the artists and content you represent. But in today’s data-driven world, making informed decisions requires more than just gut instinct—it demands a deep understanding of performance metrics across multiple dimensions.

With Revelator Pro Consumption, you gain access to unparalleled granularity in your data—by Release, by Track, by DSP, by Market, by Label, by Artist, by Format —and much more. This tool isn’t just about monitoring; it’s about mastering the intricate details that drive performance. Whether you’re tracking streams across platforms or analyzing market-specific trends, Revelator Pro Consumption gives you the power to see the full picture and make data-backed decisions with confidence.

Monitor, Combine, Share

Revelator Pro Consumption allows you to monitor the performance of all your assets from one centralized dashboard. But we didn’t stop there. We understand that your role requires collaboration and communication with stakeholders, so we’ve made it easy to combine data from specific tracks and releases. Now, you can create comprehensive reports that give your team and partners a clear, actionable view of your entire catalog’s performance. Plus, with seamless export and download options, sharing insights with key stakeholders has never been easier.

Unlock New Discovery Insights

In the distribution game, understanding how music is discovered can be the difference between a track that trends and one that fades. That’s why we’ve introduced powerful new discovery insights to help you see exactly how your content is being found:

  • Active Discovery: Understand where listeners are actively seeking out your content—whether it’s through artist pages, album pages, or direct searches. This insight allows you to optimize strategies for those channels where your music is most actively pursued.
  • Listener’s Collection: Dive into streams from personal libraries, saved collections, and self-created playlists, revealing the depth of engagement your content has with listeners.
  • Passive Discovery: Don’t overlook the power of passive discovery—streams generated from radio and playlists can provide crucial insights into the organic reach of your music.

What’s Next?

And this is just the beginning. AI-driven insights, customizable dashboards, and much more are on the horizon to elevate your strategy even further.

In the world of music distribution, data isn’t just an advantage—it’s your foundation. With Revelator Pro, you’re not just keeping up with the industry; you’re staying ahead.

Take the Next Step

In the world of music distribution, data isn’t just an advantage—it’s your foundation. With Revelator Pro Consumption, you’re not just keeping up with the industry; you’re staying ahead. As one of our clients put it: "The addition of followers' information is brilliant for comparing streaming growth to the artist's social footprint. The daily listeners metric across all DSPs is a great addition! Thank you for including this feature."

Futureproof your Catalog

Discover the power of Revelator Pro's comprehensive catalog management tools.

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